Note from Sam's Dad, Todd:
"Sparkles and Spanner!" "Sparkles and Spanner!" Familiar words in my house. I happened upon your site quite by accident, but am glad that I did. My four-year-old son Sam is a huge fan of not only "Fireman Sam," but of you as well. Very few evenings go by that we don't see you, and the dogs on our television. I happened upon your site by accident, but I am glad that I did. It's good to know that you are a 'real person,' :-) who is actively involved in fire safety education. My son is enamored with all things firefighter. I'm not a firefighter, but because of his passion for it, we've gotten involved in our local FF community. Sam has become a regular fixture around several of the stations in our area. He has gotten to do things like riding in an engine, manning a hose at a training fire, and being in parade."
Sam's dad started a blog for him and it is really incredible! Visit Sam's site at http://www.firefightersam.com/ . You will be amazed at Sam's adventures! Kudos to Todd and Sam for becoming involved with their local fire departments!
If you have a story that you would like to share, we would love to hear it! Please send it to sparkles@sparklesthefiresafetydog.com.
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