First, we want to apologize for the crackling noises from
the microphone. Our microphone needs replaced and unfortunately we had some
noises during the recording of the live stream. We plan on re-doing this
episode and should have it up by next week.
In the meantime, we wanted to share this video of Firefighter
Dayna and Molly the Fire Safety Dog in this 136th episode of the live-streamed
children's safety show, Sparkles' Safety Spot LIVE from Sparkles' Clubhouse!
Our special guest was Firefighter Bo from the Little RockFire Department. Firefighter Bo shared with the boys and girls the Little Rock
Fire Department training center.
Firefighter Bo is keeping his promise of showing more
exciting action from the Little Rock Fire Department. In this episode, Little
Rock Fire Department Chief of Training Bob Hunthrop showed some of the
firefighters training on one of the fire department’s ladder truck.
If unable to see the video, please click HERE.
Thank you to Little Rock Fire Chief Gregory Summers,
Division Chief Joseph Gray, Chief of
Training Bob Hunthrop, Firefighter Bo Hagar and members of the Little Rock Fire
Join Molly the Fire Safety Dog on Facebook HERE.